
1. The Executive shall consist of the President, 1st Vice President and 2nd Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The immediate Past President to act in an advisory capacity as an honorary member. The Executive shall have full power to transact all business pertaining to the success of the League. The Executive is to be governed by a committee of one Captain from each team in the League.
2.  The annual election of officers shall be held at the April Captain’s meeting. The President to be elected from members of the existing Executive only. The four remaining offices to be filled from the existing Executive and the registered Captains, Co-Captains, Committee Members and past Executives. The Past President or a Captain is required to officiate at this election. The procedure is to be as follows; The President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, the Secretary, and the Treasurer. All candidates must be nominated from the floor, and be present to accept the nomination. The new Executive is to take office at the September meeting
3.  The League mandate is to promote the game of cribbage for sociability and pleasure between teams played to a drawn schedule. The interest to be stimulated by the aid of various trophies and plaques. All trophies to be perpetual.
4.  The winners will be presented with their trophies and prizes at the annual banquet, and their trophy will remain in their keeping until the March Captain’s meeting of the ensuing year. The cost of repairing any damage to any trophy while in custody of teams will be assessed to that team.
5. The Captain and Co-captain(s) shall have full authority over all team matters, and shall be responsible to the League for registrations, dues and trophies.

41.  In the event of any team disbanding before the season’s schedule is completed, all games played shall stand and all remaining games to go by default. (Score 23-0)
42.  Any player of a defunct team shall be eligible to register with any other team should he still desire to play in the League.
43.  All protests and matters of dispute arising under the jurisdiction of the League shall be dealt with by the Executive.
44.  Any infraction of any League rules must be stated as under protest at the time of the infraction, or it is not acceptable as such. All protests must be accompanied by a deposit of five dollars, which will be forfeited in all cases where the protest has been considered and not sustained. Under protest should be written on the back of the score cards. The protesting Captain should sign the back of the score cards, and must give his reasons for protesting in writing to the League Secretary within forty-eight hours, before the protest will be considered.
45.  All Captains or players concerned in any dispute or protest must, if requested, appear before the Executive board to give their evidence. Failure of which means suspension from playing in any League games until such Captains or players appear.

6. Team registration forms, containing team name, location of play, name and phone numbers of Captain and Co-captains (maximum two) to be presented at the April Captain’s meeting, or in writing to the League Secretary.
7. Yearly registration fees, at least ten signed players registration cards and fees to be in the hands of the League Executive on or before the first September Captain’s meeting.
8.  Should a duly registered player pass away prior to the completion of the season, the team involved shall be entitled to replace such player without payment of additional registration fees. Replacement of player is subject to Rule 33.
9.  Should a duly registered player resign from the League due to extreme sickness before playing three games, and prior to the completion of six weeks of play, the team involved shall be entitled to replace such player without payment of additional registration fees. The registration card of the resigning player should be returned to the League Secretary where possible. The resigning player cannot attend the Annual Banquet or any other League events without the team paying a new registration fee. A player who has resigned from the League may not replace another resigning player nor may he rejoin the League in the current year by signing for a different team from that which he resigned. Replacement player is subject to Rule 33.

10.  A Captain’s meeting will be held on the last Wednesday of each month, unless other notice is given. Teams failing to have a Captain, Co-captain or team representative at the meeting will be fined. If consecutive meetings are missed the fine doubles, and remains at this level for each consecutive meeting missed thereafter.
11.  A Co-captain, when his Captain is not present, is to have full voting power on all League matters except financial matters and protests.
12.  The 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President and the Secretary as a group have the authority to correct and change any mistake(s) found in the score cards, also to finalize the League standing.
13.  A meeting will be held each September for all new Captains and Co-captains, and all interested players for a review of the Regulations and Rules of the League.
14.  Any motion proposing any changes in any rule, regulation, or in the financial structure of the League, must be presented in written form as a notice of motion at a regular Captain’s meeting. The motion to be read when presented and dealt with at the next regular meeting.
15.  Each season the Executive may select up to two representatives from registered players, to act as committee members, to attend regular Executive meetings, and any other duties assigned by the Executives.
16.  Various tournaments are held throughout the season. In tournaments involving Captains, Co-captains, any properly registered Captain/Co-captain may participate in these tournaments. In the singles tournament one player from each team may participate, in the doubles tournament two players from each team is required. All tournaments will be played under League rules and all tournament fees shall be mandatory. Scoring for all tournaments is to be on a total points system. Ties to be broken by a single game, sudden death knock-out.At a minor tournament (non-team) a bye may be used, if necessary. (115 points for the bye)

8.  During the game the visiting team must not change tables from which they start, but may change chairs. If any player of the home team in moving plays a completed game at a wrong table, that team shall be assessed two penalty points.
9.  All play to be continuous. Unnecessary breaks are not permitted. A maximum ten minute smoke break after the fifth game is allowed.
10.  The home team shall provide suitable playing cards and cribbage boards, and must have a rule book available. New cards are to be provided at the beginning of the season and at the beginning of the second half. Marked, disfigured or badly used cards must not be used. Only standard boards with two rows of holes on each side, and thirty holes to a row are to be used. A fine shall be assessed against the home team if a rule book is required and one is not available. This to be noted on the weekly score card’s remarks section.
11.  It is the Captains or representatives responsibility to provide cribbage boards visibly numbered from one to five. These boards to be set up in numerical sequence in a clockwise rotation.
12.  At all League games the home Captain or team representative is responsible for the signing and posting of all score cards. Scores are to be phoned in or E-mailed to the League Secretary no later than eleven     A.M. the next day. Failure results in the Captain being fined. Fines at the discretion of the Executive.
13.  Ace is low in cutting, court cards are the same value as a ten spot, lowest card deals.
14.  The dealer must shuffle the cards, and the player on his right must cut the cards before the start of each deal, player on the dealer’s left cuts for the turn up.
15.  In any cut no fewer than four cards to be lifted and no fewer than four cards to be left on the table.

January 25, 2017

        Explanation of Terms used in this Rule Book.
GAME POINTS– are points which are subtracted from the score before the outcome of the night’s play is finalized (Note: This can affect the outcome of the final score of the game as in Rule 4 & 5.)

PENALTY POINTS – are points which are subtracted from the score after the outcome of the night’s play is finalized. (Note: These points will not affect the winners or losers of a night’s game such as Rule 6, 8, 33, 35, & 39.)

FORFEITS are one game as covered in Rule 26, 28, & 30.

ESCALATING FINE – is a fine of $5.00 for non-representation of a Captain, Co-captain, or representative at the monthly Captain’s meeting. The fine doubles for the next consecutive meeting missed.    (Note: $5.00, $10.00, $10.00, until team is represented.) Regulation 10.

DEFAULTS – are when a team fails to have eight players for a game. The opposing team in making out the cards if they have ten players would claim 23-0. If they only had nine men they count 21-0, eight players 19-0. If both teams failed to have eight players the score would be 0-0. (Rules 1 & 2)

CASH FINE – a fine of $5.00 will be charged as in Rules 10 & 12.

MANDATORY FEES – are for all Tournament Play as in Regulation 16.


1.  Games shall be called at 7:30 P.M. Should either team not be ready, fifteen minutes will be allowed then the game must commence.   A default is declared if either team has insufficient players.
2.  Any team claiming a game is default must submit signed score cards, state reason for claim, and where possible have the opposing Captain or his representative sign the score cards as usual.
3.  A full team shall consist of ten players, the minimum number of players to start a game shall be eight, however if one or more players are removed or called away by sickness, or emergency, the game shall continue.
4.  Any team not being able to raise more than nine players must play the game as follows, four doubles and one single table. Two game points to be assessed to the team with only nine players.
5.  Any team not being able to raise more than eight players must play the game as follows, three double tables, and two single tables. Four game points to be assessed to the team with only eight players.
6.  In the event of a team(s) playing eight or nine players, the single(s) tables shall not play the same doubles player twice. Failure to comply with rule necessitates two penalty points against doubles team.
7.  During singles play, only five cards are to be dealt to each player and two cards to be dealt to the crib in the following manner. The first card and last card to be dealt to the crib with intermediate cards dealt to each player in turn. Failure to deal the first card to the crib constitutes a misdeal, cards to be dealt by the same dealer. Should the last card not be dealt to the crib and the “turn up” completed, the dealer must abide the penalty. (A three card crib)


34.  All players must, if requested, show their registration card to the opposing Captain or acting Captain. A player who cannot produce a card must give his name and address. This is to be sent in with game results to the Secretary.

35.  Any team, being unable to play their game according to the schedule, shall notify the opposing Captain and one of the League Executive at least twenty-four hours before the game asking for a postponement. Failure of the requesting team to notify the League Executive of any postponement will carry two penalty points.

36.  The last game of either half cannot be postponed unless in the event of extraordinary winter weather. A game may be postponed with two hours notice with the consent of the opposing Captain and one League Executive.

37.  Postponed games are to be played within two weeks, or be played at the direction of the Executive.

38.  In acts of God, emergency, sickness or family distress, a player may be replaced if possible. If not, the game continues shorthanded with no penalty imposed.

39.  Only one person per night shall punch the player’s score cards, any infraction carries two penalty points.

40.  Any player desiring a transfer from one team to another must apply to the League Secretary, who will bring the request before the Executive for confirmation. One transfer per person in any one season. The last day for transfer is February 1st.


16.  Too many or too few cards constitute a misdeal, cards to be re-dealt by the same dealer. During the playing of a hand if any player is found to have more than the correct number of cards after the “turn up” said player’s hand shall be considered dead, the remaining players to play out the hand. Should any player be found with too few cards after the “turn up” said player must abide the penalty and play out the hand.
17.  A card exposed during the act of dealing necessitates a new deal without penalty.
18.  A card once laid out for the crib cannot be recalled. A dealer must not turn up the crib until his hand is counted.
19.  Should a dealer confuse the crib with his hand, neither his hand nor the crib can be counted. If an opposing player mixes his hand with the crib, the dealer will score six holes for the crib.
20.  When a knave is turned up “two for his heels” must be scored before the dealer’s card is played, otherwise these points cannot be scored.
21.  A player pegging fewer holes than his hand calls for must abide the penalty. A player pegging more holes than his hand calls for may be called back by the opponents.
22.  A card that can be legally played cannot be withdrawn after it has been laid face upward on the table.
23.  If a player neglects to score his hand or crib at any point or points of the game, he cannot score them after the cards are packed.
24.  Should a player neglect or refuse to play a card when he can within the prescribed “31” his hand can no longer participate in the play or be counted. If the dealer is involved, his hand is dead, but his crib is to be counted.

Please Note:  The St. Catharines Cribbage League Rules and Regulations

are intended for League use only. The guidelines are not " Official Rules of Cribbage ".

St. Catharines
Cribbage League
Established in 1921 ©



25.  Each player's hand or crib must be plainly laid face upwards on the table, and not mixed with the pack, under penalty of forfeiture of that hand.
26.  A player or players must not interfere with a game in progress. Should they do so their team will be penalized by forfeiture of the game in which they interfered.
27.  No penalty is attached to a wrong call in play, but any player can insist on the right count being called.
28.  If a player unnecessarily bangs the table, and dislodges the pegs, and it is not possible for the players to agree where the pegs should be replaced, this player must forfeit the game.
29.  If a player for any reason is unduly holding up play, the opposing Captain should complain to this player’s Captain or acting Captain, and a full report made to the League Executive. A continuance of this kind of conduct could mean a suspension of the player involved.
30. A player who throws up his hand and refuses to continue in a game forfeits that game.
31.  A player(s) may play for a team, other than that for which he is registered, that is short a player(s). No game points shall be deducted if a substitute player(s) is used. The team players that are present shall play, and not be replaced by other registered players from another team.
32.  Should any team play a man not properly registered, that team will automatically forfeit all those games played. Penalties: Player three weeks, Captain six weeks.
33.  Should a player be signed on a legal night of a game, the registration form must be signed on the reverse side by both team Captains, or acting Captain before this player starts to play. Failure to comply with this rule by any team carries an automatic two penalty points. Registration form to be sent to League Secretary with game results.