16.  Too many or too few cards constitute a misdeal, cards to be re-dealt by the same dealer. During the playing of a hand if any player is found to have more than the correct number of cards after the “turn up” said player’s hand shall be considered dead, the remaining players to play out the hand. Should any player be found with too few cards after the “turn up” said player must abide the penalty and play out the hand.

17.  A card exposed during the act of dealing necessitates a new deal without penalty.

18.  A card once laid out for the crib cannot be recalled. A dealer must not turn up the crib until his hand is counted.

19.  Should a dealer confuse the crib with his hand, neither his hand nor the crib can be counted. If an opposing player mixes his hand with the crib, the dealer will score six holes for the crib.

20.  When a knave is turned up “two for his heels” must be scored before the dealer’s card is played, otherwise these points cannot be scored.

21.  A player pegging fewer holes than his hand calls for must abide the penalty. A player pegging more holes than his hand calls for may be called back by the opponents.

22.  A card that can be legally played cannot be withdrawn after it has been laid face upward on the table.

23.  If a player neglects to score his hand or crib at any point or points of the game, he cannot score them after the cards are packed.

24.  Should a player neglect or refuse to play a card when he can within the prescribed “31” his hand can no longer participate in the play or be counted. If the dealer is involved, his hand is dead, but his crib is to be counted.

                                               Page 8                                        Jan - 2017