6.  Team registration forms, containing team name, location of play, name and phone numbers of Captain and Co-captains (maximum two) to be presented at the April Captain’s meeting, or in writing to the League Secretary.

7.  Yearly registration fees, at least ten signed players registration cards and fees to be in the hands of the League Executive on or before the first September Captain’s meeting.

8.  Should a duly registered player pass away prior to the completion of the season, the team involved shall be entitled to replace such player without payment of additional registration fees. Replacement of player is subject to Rule 33.

9.  Should a duly registered player resign from the League due to extreme sickness before playing three games, and prior to the completion of six weeks of play, the team involved shall be entitled to replace such player without payment of additional registration fees. The registration card of the resigning player should be returned to the League Secretary where possible. The resigning player cannot attend the Annual Banquet or any other League events without the team paying a new registration fee. A player who has resigned from the League may not replace another resigning player nor may he rejoin the League in the current year by signing for a different team from that which he resigned. Replacement player is subject to Rule 33.


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